Dwat vè sèvis vitrin kontwa pou charcuterie ak vyann fre

Deskripsyon kout:

Straight glass service showcase counter for deli and fresh meat5

Itilizasyon: Bento, vyann bèf, poul, stèk, sandwich, susi, charcuterie, fwi, sòs salad elatriye. 

Deskripsyon kontwa vitrin Deli:

◾ Tanperati ranje: -1 ~ 5 ℃ ◾ Refrijeran: R404A
◾ Compressor andedan oswa COMPRESSOR deyò ◾ EBM fanatik motè
◾ Kontwolè tanperati dijital, apwopriye pou chak sezon ◾ Dekonjle gaz cho, dekonjle otomatik, ekonomize enèji
◾ Etajè asye pur, korozyon reziste, anti-bakteri ak fasil pou netwaye ◾ Limyè ki ap dirije pou ekonomize enèji, bon sans de vi
◾ vè devan kre, ki reziste ak gwo transparans, baskile

Pwodwi detay

Tags pwodwi


Deli Food Showcase Counter Parameter

1. Si ou vle Lajè: 1135mm oswa 960.
2. Si ou vle kote COMPRESSOR: andedan COMPRESSOR oswa COMPRESSOR deyò.
3. Limyè anbyen ka ajoute nan pati anba a.

Kalite Modèl Dimansyon ekstèn (mm) Ranje tanperati (℃) Volim efikas (L) Zòn ekspozisyon (㎡)
GGKJ Plug-in Deli Food Showcase Counter GGKJ-1311YS 1250*1135*1190 -1 ~ 5 173 1.01
GGKJ-1911YS 1875*1135*1190 -1 ~ 5 259 1.43
GGKJ-2511YS 2500 * 1135 * 1190 -1 ~ 5 346 1.86
GGKJ-3811YS 3750*1135*1190 -1 ~ 5 519 2.77
GGKJ-1313YSWJ 1351*1351*1190 4 ~ 10 160 1.10
GGKJ-1310YS 1250 * 960 * 1190 -1 ~ 5 146 0.85
GGKJ-1910YS 1875 * 960 * 1190 -1 ~ 5 220 1.21
GGKJ-2510YS 2500 * 960 * 1190 -1 ~ 5 295 2.59
GGKJ-3810YS 3750 * 960 * 1190 -1 ~ 5 439 2.35
GGKJ-1313YSWJ 1351*1351*1190 4 ~ 10 160 1.10
Kalite Modèl Dimansyon ekstèn (mm) Ranje tanperati (℃) Volim efikas (L) Zòn ekspozisyon (㎡)
GGKJ Remote Deli Food Showcase Counter GGKJ-1311YS 1250*1135*1190 -1 ~ 5 173 0.88
GGKJ-1911YS 1875*1135*1190 -1 ~ 5 259 1.3
GGKJ-2511YS 2500 * 1135 * 1190 -1 ~ 5 346 1.73
GGKJ-3811YS 3750*1135*1190 -1 ~ 5 519 2.64
GGKJ-1313YSNJ koutim-fè -1 ~ 5 / /
GGKJ-1313YSWJ 1351*1351*1190 4 ~ 10 160 1.10
GGKJ-1310YS 1250 * 960 * 1190 -1 ~ 5 146 0.85
GGKJ-1910YS 1875 * 960 * 1190 -1 ~ 5 220 1.21
GGKJ-2510YS 2500 * 960 * 1190 -1 ~ 5 295 2.59
GGKJ-3810YS 3750 * 960 * 1190 -1 ~ 5 439 2.35
GGKJ-1313YSWJ 1351*1351*1190 4 ~ 10 160 1.10
Straight glass service showcase counter for deli and fresh meat5

Avantaj nou yo

Konsepsyon aparans fanmi-kalite, fò sans rekonesans, apwopriye pou magazen fre-wo fen.

Se vè devan an ekipe ak aparèy espesyal anti-kondansasyon, ki ka efektivman anpeche kondansasyon vè, epi kenbe efè a nan pwòp ak transparan tout tan.

Anba ka ajoute lanp atmosfè, plis montre pwodwi elegant showily.

Ranje tanperati -1 ~ 5 ℃.

Dekonjle gaz cho, dekonjle otomatik, ekonomize enèji.

Etajè asye pur, korozyon reziste, anti-bakteri ak fasil pou netwaye.

Kontwòl tanperati dijital, apwopriye pou chak sezon.

Tib ki ap dirije koulè vyann, mete aksan sou bon jan kalite pwodwi.

Ka kò a nan koulè kontwa an dwe Customized.

Low Base 5 Layers Shelves Open Vertical Multi Deck Display Chiller030

Pwodwi pou Telefòn

Straight glass service showcase counter for deli and fresh meat6

Peze lè rido
Efektivman bloke lè cho deyò a

Low Base 5 Layers Shelves Open Vertical Multi Deck Display Chiller11

Fanatik EBM
Mak pi popilè nan mond lan, gwo kalite

Low Base 5 Layers Shelves Open Vertical Multi Deck Display Chiller12

Dixell Tanperati Kontwolè
Otomatik ajisteman tanperati

Straight glass service showcase counter for deli and fresh meat7

Etajè asye pur
Kowozyon reziste, anti-bakteri ak fasil pou netwaye

Straight glass service showcase counter for deli and fresh meat8

Devan vè ka louvri
Pratik pou anplwaye lavant yo netwaye ak kliyan yo ranmase machandiz yo

Straight glass service showcase counter for deli and fresh meat9

Limyè ki ap dirije (si ou vle)
Sove enèji

Low Base 5 Layers Shelves Open Vertical Multi Deck Display Chiller16

Valv solenoid Danfoss
Kontwòl ak règleman nan likid ak gaz

Low Base 5 Layers Shelves Open Vertical Multi Deck Display Chiller18

Valv ekspansyon Danfoss
Kontwole koule nan febrifuj la

Low Base 5 Layers Shelves Open Vertical Multi Deck Display Chiller17

Tib kwiv epè
Transmèt refwadisman nan Chiller

Straight glass service showcase counter for deli and fresh meat10

Plis foto Fresh Meat Showcase Counter

Straight glass service showcase counter for deli and fresh meat01
Straight glass service showcase counter for deli and fresh meat02
Straight glass service showcase counter for deli and fresh meat03
Straight glass service showcase counter for deli and fresh meat04

Longè chiller louvri ka pi long selon kondisyon ou.

Anbalaj ak anbake

Fresh Meat Sushi Salad Service Over Counter With Straight Glass packing

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